torsdag 21 mars 2013

Vart ledig både igår och idag!
Känns hur bra som helst. Men i helgen väntas jobb igen. fre-lör-sön
Men helt okej.
Städar och poar på. Packar upp det absolut sista som stått i kartonger sedan flytt.
Skönt att allt kommer på sin plats. Nått som tyngt en länge, att man vet att det står där och väntar på en. Bläää
Sitter med en god kopp kaffe i handen och kikar på lite kläder på nätet.
Väntar på att min kära Jessica med barn kommer om en liten stund.
Vi ska nämligen till badhuset och plaska med våra vildar :P
Nu får det bli söndag! Vill ha hem min lilla pojk!
Over and Out

1 kommentar:

Anonym sa...

There is probably nothing more enjoyable than shopping for women's clothes. Most ladies love to go to the stores and shop with their friends for new clothing articles.
You will find it difficult to locate a woman who doesn't love clothes. They are so attracted to clothes. Also, there is nothing disappointing than a shabbily dressed woman. Therefore, any woman has to dress herself attractively to achieve her good looks. The age of a woman is also an important factor when it comes to choosing clothes klädbutiker. Often, you find old women wear clothes suitable for young girls. This will not provide a good look to any woman. As such, it is a must for any woman to choose her dresses to suit her age from aftonklänningar.
There are some ladies that do not get a thrill out of this activity because they have a hard time finding the right fit, or they hate their body shape, or they lack self-confidence. Shopping for women's clothes does not have to be torturous to these ladies.